The Brief of the Website,
1. Goals/Purposes of Website, this personal website, may be introduced and promoted by J.Y. Hwang. "These days almost all large corporations and a great many small businesses use the Web for promotion."(Farkas and Farkas 2002, p. 7). A website gives the information about a company to promote itself. A personal website also can give information about someone's personal portfolio. There are too many blogs of J.Y. Hwang's because people who are users of those blogs have different needs for each blog. As a result, when J.Y. Hwang wanted to tell or show something, J.Y. Hwang must update the same contents on each blog. This website is going to be the exclusive official J.Y. Hwang website. That means visitors use the website to get information about J.Y. Hwang.
2. Target Audience
● To the people who have already known about J.Y. Hwang
The people who are friends and parents of J.Y. Hwang's will be able to know his present situation and see his recent photos and news.
● To the people who want to know about J.Y. Hwang
If someone wants to be his friend, this website may be the first step to know about him.
● To the people who want to see J.Y. Hwang's videos
This website will be his most important portfolio, especially to the people who want to be a business partner, such as a film maker and a producer, with him. The videos made by him will be uploaded on this website.
3. Message
The message of this website is to show that J.Y. Hwang has the sensibilities and the skills about films to be one of the film industry's most successful directors.
4. Contents● Index
This page will be produced using Macromedia Flash. Visitors will be able to enter the main page though the click on this page.
● Main Page
There are five linked pages in this website, 'Biography', 'Photographs', 'Blog', 'Videos' and 'Information'.
● Biography
Visitors can read his profile and access through 'Wikipedia' button which is a sub link page of this.
● Photographs
This page will show small images of his photographs and then it will become a large image when visitors do the click a small image.
● Blog
The blog has already been published on but this blog will not open via a new window. The blog will remain in the lower half of the frame.
● Videos
This page will be connected to the purpose of this website directly. There are now three videos made by J.Y. Hwang. These videos play on YouTube, so visitors do not have to install any program to view video files.
● Information
There may be two sub buttons in this page. One of these buttons is 'Site Map' which is the structure of whole website, and another is 'Contact' which is J.Y. Hwang’s contact detail, such as e-mail.
5. Design Approach
The design concept of this website is simple and clear and easy to use, read, watch and enjoy all contents. According to Robin et al (2002, p.95), the website needs an overview and balance with the functional aspects because it is not a magazine. The authors also demonstrated that, by comparing to, a website must be used simpliy because too many visual images can be a confusing to users (Robin et al 2002, p.95). Thus, the main colours of this website may be white, grey and black. The graphics, such as banners, buttons and icons, are simple and natural with the main colours.
Farkas, D.K. & Farkas J.B. 2002, 'Understanding the Web: A Designer's View', Principles of Web Design, Longman.
Robin W., John T. & Rohr D. 2002, 'Design is Not the First Step', Robin Williams Web Design Workshop, Peach Pit Press.
A Brief History of Political Cartoons
In this article "A Brief History of Political Cartoons" (Backer 1996), the author describes a history of political cartoons, especially in the ages, 16th–19th centuries.
According to the author, political cartoons are composed of two features which are caricature and allusion. Backer (1996, para. 1) also distinguishes that individual parodies and caricature derives from the Mediterranean with Leonardo da Vinci, whilst associating editorial cartoons with the German author, Martin Luther. His cartoons had strong impact with simple images. As a result, more people who were of low literacy classes could read and understand.
The author points out an American political cartoon, the title "Join, or Die." which was made by Benjamin Franklin, was published in "virtually every newspaper on the continent" in 1754. In this cartoon, the disconnected body of a snake became famous and is notable as the start of political cartoons in America(Backer 1996, para. 5).
To recognise the history, the author uses examples to identify the development of political cartoons in America. Illustrations of these are Thomas Nast’s, Tweed’s and Joseph Keppler’s cartoons. "The effect of cartoons after the Civil War can be found in an anecdote whose components have elevated it to the stature of myth."(Backer 1996, para. 6). From these words by the author, can be believed that the American Civil War affected the cartoons of Nast and Tweed but people’s behaviour would become anti-social and satiric tempers. That was the reason why high and middle classes did not like their political cartoons. In addition, one of the illustrators in that time, Joseph Keppler gave the low-class readers accessibility to understand cartoons more easily.
In conclusion, the author, Backer (1996) clarifies that the start of political cartoons by Martin Luther has brought ability to people, especially in low and middle classes, to participate in politics, providing increased value of the people’s opinion.
The Sources, Relevant Rupert Murdoch’s Success
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The Wedding of James Packer and Erica Baxter
Two daily newspapers, “The Sydney Morning Herald” and “The Daily Telegraph,” published on Friday, 22 June, 2007, reported the wedding of James Packer who is one of the Australia’s richest men and his new bride Erica Baxter, an Australian singer and model.
According to both the newspapers, they married two days ago, on Wednesday, 20 June, 2007 in Cap d’Antibes, France with guests approximately from one hundred and fifty to two hundred. There were many influential people, such as famous Hollywood actor Tom Cruise and his wife, Katie Holmes, actress, Wendi Deng who is the wife of Rupert Murdoch, the chief executive officer of News Corporation, Eddie McGuire, Channel Nine personality and PBL boss John Alexander on the list of guests.
In addition, uninvited guests like paparazzi watched their wedding from a distance. Both articles wrote about the wedding dress of the bride, which was worth one hundred thousand Australian dollars haute couture gown and created by John Galliano of the Paris fashion house Christian Dior. This dress was produced after six-hundred to seven-hundred hours of handwork. However, Baxter ordered two dresses, one to wear at the public wedding ceremony and the second marriage ceremony.
Two articles of both newspapers were similar and different in their methods of expression, news values and key themes. Firstly, methods of expression completely differed. The Sydney Morning Herald wrote “Here comes the Packer bride and the paparazzi” in the headline and inserted photographs showing James Packer’s vow and Erica Baxter wearing a dress and escorted by her father, Michael Baxter, whereas The Daily Telegraph wrote “Packer’s style switch from low-key to lavish” and inserted photographs showing Packer’s vow but different angle and guests taken under helicopter. Secondly, news values of two articles also differed. The Sydney Morning Herald reported a summary of this wedding in order to deliver general information. As a result, this was written by moderate words. However, The Daily Telegraph focused on the bride’s wedding dress and used sarcastic words, such as ‘lavish’ and ‘splurge’, because it is able to give a feeling of satisfaction to their readers who want to know defects of powerful people. Finally, these key themes were similar. Both articles used the same key words, a wedding and a dress worth one hundred thousand Australian dollars.