Three Hostels in Melbourne, Australia
When people are bored with being in the same place, they like to travel. Their travel experience will depend on the quality of the accommodation they stay in. Three hostels in Melbourne, Australia which are named the Pitt on Punt Hotel, Victoria Hall Accommodation and Urban Central Backpackers are compared and contrasted. Four points are assessed, the price of dormitory rooms, the kinds of services included, the overall average of customer ratings and the convenience of their location. First of all, the price of a basic dormitory room with four beds is compared. Both Pitt on Punt Hotel and Victoria Hall Accommodation cost the same at twenty Australian dollars, while Urban Central Backpackers is twenty-seven Australian dollars.
Secondly, the kinds of services included are both similarities and difference. Pitt on Punt Hotel and Urban Central Backpackers provide breakfast, bed linen and a towel. In contrast, Victoria Hall Accommodation does not provide breakfast.
Thirdly, the overall average of customer ratings which means a feeling of satisfaction from reviewed customers varies considerably. Urban Central Backpackers has the best rating which is ninety per cent. Pitt on Punt Hostel has seventy-four per cent which is less than Urban Central Backpackers’. Victoria Hall Accommodation has the lowest rating at fifty-seven per cent.
Finally, the conveniences of the accommodation locations are similar. All of them are under ten minutes from the centre of city and their locations are easy to use by buses or trams.
In conclusion, all the hostels have something to consider when making a choice. Urban Central Backpackers has the most expensive rooms, although Urban Central Backpackers provides good service, it is similar to Pitt on Punt Hotel. Pitt on Punt Hotel and Victoria Hall Accommodation cost the same and are the cheapest. However, Pitt on Punt Hotel has the middle rating. After considering all the above, Pitt on Punt Hotel is perhaps the best choice.
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